
The pleasure of working with passionate professionals

The pleasure of working with passionate professionals

In the last 18 years or so, as I’ve travelled the world in search of new and interesting images, I think I’ve worked with a truly vast array of guides, fixers and travel companies both local, regional and international. Now, this was a necessity - I chose to never use one of the many companies offering “travel photo tours” as I have always found them to be too superficial, mostly inflexible, extremely expensive and ultimately, geared for people looking to add ready-made images to their portfolios - and, to make things worse (for me anyway) they are usually “led” by another photographer who assumes, by definition, to know more than you do. Not falling into this category (and not having upwards of £7,000 for two weeks to spend), I have always gone it alone.

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A new approach to sustainable cultural tourism

A new approach to sustainable cultural tourism

There have been a number of articles and arguments lately on people attempting to visit and photograph remote, previously unreachable, tribes, be that in the Amazon or the Andaman Islands or any of the other places such tribes still live. The arguments against it are many but they essentially filter down to: “live them alone as the modern world will only bring about the destruction of their innocence and their way of life”.

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Sometimes life hands you lemons...

Sometimes life hands you lemons...

I have almost always used local guides in my trips - discovered through a variety of ways, from word of mouth and recommendations, from lists provided by some of the largest publications and organisations in the world and, sometimes, through my own personal research and vetting. It’s usually a long and very rigorous process based on a wide variety of layers, from the financial to the intuitive - from what a person says to how they respond to the details they readily provide. Some shine immediately as real stars - professional, responsive, detailed and with clear mastery of their area of coverage - others need a lot more filtering and communication.

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It takes a village…

It takes a village…

It takes a village…

…and an insane amount of trial, error, horrible failures to succeed and once you do, you have to do it all over again (preferably without the errors and the failures, but I’m almost certain they will happen!) However, these days, more than any time in history, amazing images don’t just happen - they are crafter, carefully and with the collaboration and support of a lot of people who sometimes don’t get enough of the credit. I wanted to do just that!

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